Manchester Leasing Company programs are tailored to match the needs of your client's.
We become your partner that can provide quick turn-around and a broad range of cost effective and flexible lease programs. Together we give the opportunity to provide your customers with a solid set of financing options to help their business grow.
Our program is designed to give fast responses to their applications and a dedicated service team that will work with you on every transaction. We process the financing on your behalf from start to finish. Our special company-wide programs for your customers help you keep focus on your goals.
We can offer:
- Classic 100% tax deductible payment lease for start-up companies, generally with 10% put or purchase.
- Capital Lease-intended eventual ownership, generally with a $1 buyout.
Once the lease documents are signed, payment is quickly made to you.
Let us be a partner to your success.
Manchester Leasing Company
A leasing company you can bank on.